It's that time again, time for all of gawd's children, young and old, rich and poor, hip and not-so-hip, to congregate amongst the hallowed makeshift cardboard halls that is Flatstock. If I'm not mistaken, this is Flatstock's 6th year at SXSW, and I've been present at every one of them. Join me and dozens of other poster alchemists (such as Pete Cardoso above) for FOUR days of sensory overload as we proudly display our colorful oeuvres in a maze of paper and personality. More importantly, BUY some stuff so we as a people can continue to practice our screenprinted swan song until Gabe's horn drowneth us out. Bring cash.
Flatstock Poster Convention
Austin Convention Center - Austin, TX
March 19-22
11:00am to 6:00pm
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